Land-Water-Cloud-scapePaintings Home About Terms

Many more Land-Water-Cloud-scape paintings are on the Fluid page.

Place the cursor over a picture to see a zoomed view. The paintings that use metallics are difficult to see properly in a photo. You can click on those to see a brief animation with moving light. Unfortunately, this still isn't as good as seeing the painting in person.

Note that any nudity in these paintings has been "airbrushed" out to make this a "PG" site. You can see the originals on Instagram.

Kauai Weather

Along Maha'ulepu Heritage Trail.

Multiple layers of bas relief shapes, metalics and translucent effects.


Canvas, 24" x 24" WIP

Surf 1

Multiple layers of metalics and translucent effects.

24" x 24"

Surf 2

Multiple layers of metalics and translucent effects.

24" x 24"


This is based on a composite of photos taken near Kathmandu.

34" x 24"


Multiple layers of metalics and translucent effects.

10" x 8"


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